Uludag Gazoz is a mixed-fruit-flavored carbonated drink. The manufacturer also makes a variety of other beverages including lemonade, energy drinks, and sparkling water, but all their products share one common ingredient: the water itself. In fact, the region the drink is named after (Mount Uludağ) is said to produce some of the best tasting water in Türkiye. Aside from the water, this carbonated drink is flavored with fruit, which makes it very similar to sherbet, a juice-like drink that dates back to the Ottoman empire. It originated as a medicinal beverage that was sweetened with sugar or honey, but overtime became popular for its sweet fruity flavors. Unlike traditional sherbet, this Uludag Gazoz is carbonated for a fizzy sipping experience. You know those sweltering, hot summer days where you want the crispest water to cool and refresh you down to your toes? This is what you need then!
Uludag Gazoz
Mixed Fruit Flavored Soda
Ingredients: Water, Sugar, Carbon Dioxide, Citric Acid, Preservatives (Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate), Natural Flavors.
Nutritional Label

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